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This div is your div, this div is my div
From 5px padding, to the auto margin
From the red round border, to the iframe embeds
This div was made for you and me
As I went surfing that internet highway
I saw above me, that endless webpage
And saw below me that text in a pre
This div was made for you and me

I roamed and rambled, and I followed my footsteps
To the sparkling cursors of her old web portal
And all around me, MS Sam was sounding
This div was made for you and me

When the img comes shining, then I was scrolling
In the tables waving, and formats rolling
The voice was chanting as the page was loading
This div was made for you and me

This div is your div, this div is my div
From 5px padding, to the auto margin
From the red round border, to the iframe embeds
This div was made for you and me

When the img comes shining, then I was scrolling
In the tables waving, and formats rolling
The voice was chanting as the page was loading
This div was made for you and me